There is a type of cigarettes that very famous in Indonesia called as Kretek /ˈkrɛtɛk/ (clove cigarettes kretek) that a cigarette made of real selected wet tobacco leaves mixed with a blended of cloves mixed with other flavors sauce.
It called kretek because when it smoked there is a sound kretek-kretek because of crackling sound of burning cloves.
Nowadays, kretek cigarettes made by machining or even still traditionally hand made. There are hundreds of clove cigarettes manufacturers in Indonesia.
Clove kretek are by far the most widely smoked compared by cigarettes in Indonesia, where they are preferred by majority of smokers. Among a hundreds of kretek manufacturers in Indonesia, the widely known international brands including Dji Sam Soe kretek (Sampoerna kretek), Gudang Garam kretek, Djarum Black, Djarum 76, Bentoel, Wismilak, or Minak Djinggo.
Do you know that Marlboro, a leading cigarette brand also has kretek cigarettes in Indonesia? Marlboro Filter Black or more commonly called Marlboro Black is a product that is also included in kretek cigarettes category. There is also Philip Morris Bold clove cigarettes entering clove cigarettes market.
Want to try?
Indonesia’s finest clove cigarettes online store, ✅ Djarum ✅ Sampoerna ✅ Gudang Garam and any other tobacco clove kretek direct from Indonesia.